Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dawson City Music Fest and fishing on Airport Lake

Last weekend I travelled to Dawson City Yukon for their anual music festival.  This year their big name was the Stampeders.  We had a great time.  My self, Paul and Melanie drove in my car and Leah, Justin and Pete took his truck.  The road was in rough shape and it took us forever to get there.  We camped the whole time, it was right up my ally.
And did some gambling at Gertie's... what a great place!

Friday, July 8, 2011

News paper article

So I've kind of fell off the ol' blogging map.  Here's a pretty cool like of a newspaper article about our trip to Kenya.  I will start bringing my camera out more and actually posting things for the world to see.  Summer so far has been great, I have no complaints.